Friday, September 15, 2023


No Hurdles D4U Funnel Review – Unveiling the No Hurdles Done4U Funnel Vol IV – “PLR Power Play”

What is it?:
The No Hurdles Done4U Funnel Vol IV is a comprehensive list-building solution that includes a ready-to-use squeeze page, an upsell offer, an engaging email training sequence, and an affiliate funnel. It’s designed to help you build your email list and generate affiliate income effortlessly.

No Hurdles D4U Funnel – Review

No Hurdles D4U Funnel Review

No Hurdles D4U Funnel Review – Introduction:

Welcome to my No Hurdles D4U Funnel Review the world of effortless list-building and online success! In this review, we’ll take a deep dive into the latest offering from No Hurdles, the Done4U Funnel Vol IV – “PLR Power Play.” Discover how this innovative solution can help you overcome common obstacles and start building your list and making sales within minutes.

Are you exhausted from the challenges of online list building? Have you ever felt overwhelmed, financially strained, or unsure of where to begin? If you can relate to these struggles, “No Hurdlеs D4U Funnеl Vol IV: PLR Powеr Play” could be the answer you’ve longed for. In this review, we will delve into the advantages of this robust list-building funnel and explore why it’s becoming increasingly popular among online marketers.

No Hurdles D4U Funnel Review

No Hurdles D4U Funnel Review – Overview:

No Hurdles D4U Funnel Review

Vendor: Val Wilson et al
Product: No Hurdles D4U Funnel IV: – PLR Power Play
Launch Date: 2023-Sep-18
Launch Time: 10:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $13
Home Page: Click Here
Niche: eBook
Support: Effective support
Refund: 30-Day Money Back Guarantee
Recommendation: Highly Recommended!
Bonuses: Me Reviews Exclusive Bonuses (view only)

The No Hurdles Done4U Funnel Vol IV is designed to simplify the list-building process for both beginners and experienced marketers. It eliminates the need for costly hosting, autoresponders, and page builders, making it accessible to everyone, regardless of their technical skills or budget.

No Hurdles D4U Funnel Review – What You Are Getting?

  1. Simple Out The Box Set Up:

The only thing you have to download is the simple step-by-step PDF setup guide.

All the links and everything you need to set things up are in there.

One PDF setup guide for each of the platforms.

2. FREE Lifetime Autoresponder Account:

You get the choice of building your funnel in one of two platforms, both are free, and both use features that allow you to simply export in my funnel!

*With the first platform there are limits with regards to the number of subscribers/emails you can send, but by the time you reach this level, you should be creating enough income to more than cover the upgrade fee.

The second option is free but has limited functionality however there is only one low price for the membership which does not change as you build your number of subscribers

3. One-Step Import Of Webpages:

Via the PDF setup guide, you can just import the web pages I’ve created for the funnel in both of the platforms.

No faffing about with FTP or WordPress.

4. High Perceived Value Email Based Lead Magnet:

You get a hot-as-they-come lead magnet to attract your potential subscribers.

The lead magnet is training provided in the form of an email sequence.

This has the added advantage of ensuring subscribers look out for and read your emails.

5. 1-Step Import Email Sequence:

You will receive a txt file with the seven emails that provide the training (and do the selling for you).

You just need to copy and paste these into the autoresponder of choice and just amend your name and affiliate link.

For those with upgraded memberships of the core platform, it is EVEN easier! You will be able to import the email sequence with ‘1-click’ simplicity.  All set up in literally minutes with just minimal edits.

6. Create Instant Sales With A Built In Upsell:

Start earning straight away from an inbuilt affiliate funnel with offers totaling commissions of up to *$135.40 (this includes a continuity upsell so you can make a sale once and get paid over and over again!) – No setup requirements, you just need to request approval to promote.

It’s my offer so you are guaranteed approval!

(*Look out for the option to double this potential income to $269.50 on the checkout page!)

No Hurdles D4U Funnel Review

No Hurdles D4U Funnel Review – How Does it Work?

STAGE #01 – The Squeeze Page

Once you have followed the simple steps in the PDF guide you will have imported an attractive squeeze page  to start collecting your subscribers

STAGE #02 – The Guaranteed Approval Upsell Offer

When someone signs up to your list they will be presented with an upsell funnel containing 5 opportunities to earn a commission.

One of the upsells is a recurring membership offer which as you probably know is the best sort of offer.  You make the sale once and then get paid again and again and again for as long as the customer remains a member (and with an average retention period of 6 months, this will soon start adding up!)

I have set everything up to make life as easy as possible for you.

You just request approval to promote the offers as an affiliate and you are more or less* guaranteed to be approved.

(You will have more or less had to have mugged your granny to not get approved

STAGE #03 – The Follow-Up Email Training Sequence

In addition to being sent to an upgrade funnel which will earn you sales commissions, your new subscribers will also receive a sequence of welcome follow-up emails.

This REALLY is the secret sauce!

Because the training you are providing is via an email sequence, your subscribers will actively look for and open your emails!

Again, the setup of the emails is super easy.

Just add the 7-email (either by copying & pasting (or using a 1-click share code if you have an upgraded version of the core platforms)

…and then amend a couple of fields in each of the emails, and you are done.

The emails also maximize your chance of making sales by re-promoting the upsell offer.

And remember whichever platform you decide to use to host your funnel, you will get all the above elements in an easy-to-follow step-by-step PDF!

No Hurdles D4U Funnel Review – Pros & Cons:

Feedback from users of No Hurdlеs D4U Funnеl Vol IV has been overwhelmingly positive:

Pros of No Hurdlеs D4U Funnеl Vol IV:

  1. Streamlined Setup: The step-by-step PDF setup guide simplifies the process, making it exceptionally user-friendly, even for beginners with limited technical knowledge.
  2. Free Lifetime Autoresponder: The inclusion of a complimentary lifetime autoresponder account eliminates the need for additional expenses and complex technical setups, streamlining the entire process.
  3. One-Step Webpage Import: Importing pre-designed web pages using the provided guide removes the complexities associated with FTP or website creation, saving valuable time and effort.
  4. High-Value Lead Magnet: The engaging email-based training sequence, serving as a lead magnet, not only helps expand your subscriber list but also ensures active engagement from your audience.
  5. Ready-Made Email Sequences: Pre-written emails simplify the follow-up process, enabling you to effectively connect with your audience without the need for extensive writing.
  6. Built-In Upsell for Immediate Earnings: The affiliate funnel, featuring various commission opportunities, including a recurring membership offer, provides a pathway to start earning immediately.
  7. Positive User Feedback: Users have expressed high levels of satisfaction with this product, commending its effectiveness and ease of use.

Cons of No Hurdlеs D4U Funnеl Vol IV:

  1. Platform Limitations: Although the funnel provides a choice between two platforms, both come with certain limitations, such as subscriber/email limits. As users’ lists grow, they may need to consider upgrading or exploring alternative solutions.
  2. Dependence on Approval: While approval to promote affiliate offers is mentioned as “guaranteed,” there might be some variability depending on the platform’s policies or changes over time, potentially affecting users’ ability to participate in certain affiliate programs.
  3. Initial Learning Curve: Despite the simplified setup, beginners may still encounter a learning curve when working with the funnel and autoresponder, especially if they are entirely new to online marketing.

Frequently Asked Questions:

  1. What is the No Hurdlеs D4U Funnеl Vol IV? Ans: The No Hurdlеs D4U Funnеl Vol IV is a ready-made list-building funnel created to simplify the process of growing your email list and earning affiliate income. It includes pre-designed web pages, a free lifetime autoresponder, a lead magnet, and a pre-configured email sequence.
  2. Do I need technical expertise to set up the funnel? Ans: No, you don’t need any technical expertise. The funnel comes with a step-by-step PDF setup guide that is designed to be user-friendly, even for beginners. You won’t require coding or web design skills.
  3. What platforms can I use to build this funnel? Ans: You have the option to choose between two platforms, both of which are free. Your choice depends on your preferences and specific needs. The setup guide provides information on how to create the funnel on these platforms.
  4. Is the autoresponder truly free for a lifetime? Ans: Yes, the funnel includes a complimentary lifetime autoresponder account. However, please be aware that some limitations may apply, such as subscriber and email sending limits. As your list grows, you might consider upgrading for additional features.
  5. How do I customize the email content? Ans: You will receive pre-written emails as part of the package. To customize the content, you simply need to make minor edits, such as adding your name and affiliate links. It’s designed to be user-friendly and straightforward.
  6. Can I start earning immediately with this funnel? Absolutely. The funnel features a built-in upsell with affiliate offers. Once you have set it up and obtained approval to promote these offers, you can begin earning commissions right away.
  7. How long does it take to set up the No Hurdlеs D4U Funnеl Vol IV? Ans: By following the step-by-step setup guide, even newcomers can have the funnel up and running, building a list and generating affiliate income in an hour or less.
  8. Is there any ongoing maintenance required? Ans: Similar to any online marketing tool, it’s advisable to conduct regular maintenance and monitoring to ensure the continued effectiveness of the funnel. Regularly reviewing your email campaigns and making adjustments based on performance is a good practice.
  9. What kind of results can I expect with this funnel? Ans: Results can vary depending on factors like your niche, target audience, and marketing efforts. However, the funnel is designed to simplify list-building and enhance engagement with your subscribers, potentially leading to higher affiliate earnings.
  10. Is there a money-back guarantee? Ans: For information regarding any money-back guarantees or refund policies, please refer to the product’s official website or the platform through which you made the purchase.

A Final Quick Word

If you are already one of our subscribers, you know that we are great believers in Win-Win marketing.

Yes, we want to create an income, but we know if we want to do it in the long term (not to mention look ourselves in the mirror at night), we know we need to provide you REAL value.

We believe that is exactly what we’re providing here.

With this offer, we are giving you a funnel that could be up and running in the next few minutes

… utilizing the POWERFUL strategy we outlined earlier to make sure your new subscribers open and read your emails.

No, it’s not magic, yes there is work, but in terms of a shortcut, they don’t get much shorter!

And remember you also have our personal address if you do have any questions.

p.s. No one will judge you if you already know all the technical stuff, and can write engaging emails, but just fancy getting someone else to do it all for you

Vendor: Val Wilson et al

No Hurdles D4U Funnel Review – Conclusion:

In conclusion, the No Hurdles Done4U Funnel Vol IV – “PLR Power Play” is a game-changer for list-building and affiliate marketing. It removes the barriers that often deter people from getting started and provides a straightforward path to success. If you’re ready to say goodbye to online struggles and take control of your online journey, this could be the solution you’ve been waiting for. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to simplify your path to online success.

No Hurdles D4U Funnel Review

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